About me
H.-Peter Werminghaus
For me, the focus is always on people – I call this "the people side of business". I do not only look at companies, but at individual employees, because I am firmly convinced that every individual person is the nucleus of success.
I am furthermore convinced that we must exemplify the things we communicate. It is important that we are not just a collection of professional competencies, but that we also interact socially with one another. Respect and trust is the basis of my work with my clients. I do not believe in static concepts, but develop topics based on the latest research.
As a graduate engineer, I quickly developed as a project manager, lecturer, and consultant into a specialist in optimizing work and thought processes in medium-sized companies and in national and international industry. As a management consultant, I always must answer two central questions. Why are some entrepreneurs more successful than others? And how do companies maintain their know-how? I dig through their structures and get them in shape to always be one step ahead of the competition and to survive permanently in a competitive market.
Dipl.-Ing. H.-Peter Werminghaus